A day was normal like an other days.

How can I feel happy?He asked with a little blues.

I thought for a minute,then I gived him a promise that I will answer after school.

Then we studied just like normal time.

We talked when the teacher was boredom.

We play many games and we aloud smiled.

We didn't care what teacher or classmate said.

Because it's our life but other's life.

noon, we talked about our dream with heartfelt encourage.

When one of my friend said some dream so fantasy,we will belly.

When the end of the school day.

Someone wanted to find answer from me walked with me.

How can I feel happy?he said.

Today, are you happy?I gave an irrelevant answer.

Yes,can you just answer my question!he said with some angry.

Today you are happy, why you say you are unhappy?I said with smile.

When I went home, I sighed.

Every body know happy come from normal.

But why people always said they unhappy?

I don't know.

Maybe,when you easy to get something,something is nothing.

No matter happy,love or anything.

I sigh.
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